Linear matching method (LMM) is one of the effective numerical methods for the limit and shakedown analysis, which computes the converging upper series by solving iteratively linear elastic analysis with Young’s modulus varying in space. | Limit analysis of cracked structure by combination of extended finite element method with linear matching method Engineering Solid Mechanics 2018 187-200 Contents lists available at GrowingScience Engineering Solid Mechanics homepage esm Limit analysis of cracked structure by combination of extended finite element method with linear matching method Jun-Hyok Ria and Hyon-Sik Honga a Institute of Mechanics State Academy of Sciences Pyongyang DPR of Korea A R T I C L EI N F O ABSTRACT Article history Linear matching method LMM is one of the effective numerical methods for the limit and Received 26 October 2017 shakedown analysis which computes the converging upper series by solving iteratively linear Accepted 9 January 2018 elastic analysis with Young s modulus varying in space. LMM which is capable of Available online implementing by using the commercial finite element packages such as ABAQUS and ANSYS 9 January 2018 Keywords has been widely used in the practical applications including fatigue creep and composite Limit analysis analysis. Nevertheless LMM could not ensure numerical accuracy for discontinuous problems Linear matching method LMM such as crack analysis since it computes the mechanical quantities including stress strain and Extended finite element method displacement on the base of conventional finite element method likewise other numerical XFEM methods for the limit and shakedown analysis. Meanwhile extended finite element method Linear elastic fracture mechanics XFEM recently proposed is an attractive numerical method for the analysis of discontinuous LEFM problems which enriches finite element approximate space by some special functions. In this Finite element analysis FEA paper authors proposed a very straightforward method for the limit analysis by the combination of XFEM with LMM. Numerical validation is done for two types of typical fracture specimens. Numerical examples show that the limit analysis by combining XFEM with .