This article examines the nexus between Big data governance, dynamic capability and decision-making. Survey data was garnered from firms in Jordan and fuzzy sets (fsQCA) approach was applied. | Big data governance dynamic capability and decision-making effectiveness Fuzzy sets approach Decision Science Letters 8 2019 429 440 Contents lists available at GrowingScience Decision Science Letters homepage dsl Big data governance dynamic capability and decision-making effectiveness Fuzzy sets approach Majdi Al Saaideh Abbadya Murat Akkayaa and Arif Saria aGirne American University Cyprus CHRONICLE ABSTRACT Article history This article examines the nexus between Big data governance dynamic capability and decision- Received April 19 2019 making. Survey data was garnered from firms in Jordan and fuzzy sets fsQCA approach was Received in revised format applied. Fuzzy set configural modeling revealed two causal models for high decision-making May 20 2019 effectiveness conditions. First Big data governance number of employees and firm age are Accepted May 20 2019 Available online necessary for higher levels of effective decision-making. Second dynamic capability number of May 20 2019 employees and firm age are necessary for higher levels of effective decision-making. Insights for Keywords practitioners in an emerging economy and possible areas of future research are highlighted. Fuzzy set Big data Dynamic capability 2018 by the authors licensee Growing Science Canada. Decision-making Jordan 1. Introduction With the rapid change in business operation and environment it is necessity for firms to stay relevant about what they need to anticipate and react to the changes proactively. Several studies discovered that firms cannot realize effectiveness and high-performance if they lack the capabilities required to cope with both external and internal changes . Fainshmidt et al. 2016 Mikalef amp Krogstie 2018 Teece 2007 De Haes amp Van Grembergen 2015 . Dynamic capabilities are defined by Zollo and Winter 2002 p. 340 as an array of a number of collective activities that are both stable and learned by which an organization systematically modifies .