In this article, by choosing agriculture sector as a case study, an attempt has been made to study the evaluation, ranking and management of projects with investment classifying strategy of the projects using Delphi, TOPSIS and AHP methods. | A hybrid of Delphi AHP and TOPSIS Methods for project portfolio management Journal of Project Management 4 2019 141 156 Contents lists available at GrowingScience Journal of Project Management homepage A hybrid of Delphi AHP and TOPSIS Methods for project portfolio management Ahmad Borjy a Vahid Baradaranb Peyman Zandic and Milad Taherid a Industrial Engineering North Tehran Branch Islamic Azad University Tehran Iran b Assistant Professor Industrial Engineering department North Tehran Branch Islamic Azad University Tehran Iran c Industrial Management department Allameh Tabatabai University Tehran Iran d Management department University of Tehran Tehran Iran CHRONICLE ABSTRACT Article history Due to the importance and complexity of the portfolio management issue over 100 different Received October 2 2018 techniques have already been presented. In general the final result of these tools is to create Received in revised format No- a prioritized list of the projects that must be selected for allocating resources. The use of vember 19 2018 financial strategies may be misleading in some cases and it is necessary to combine these Accepted January 10 2019 Available online methods with other methods such as strategic approaches in order to guarantee a balanced January 11 2019 portfolio toward the organizational strategies. On the other categorizing projects into differ- Keywords ent baskets allows the organizations to select evaluate and prioritize the projects in a subset Ranking investment projects using a set of similar criteria and techniques. In this article by choosing agriculture sector Portfolio of projects as a case study an attempt has been made to study the evaluation ranking and management AHP of projects with investment classifying strategy of the projects using Delphi TOPSIS and TOPSIS AHP methods. The results reveal that in similar cases we can use the presented model by Delphi determining the type of activity and investment and .