The aim of this paper is to describe how CESAR operates and how it can be used to help these facilities care for waste disposal, nuclear materials transport or basic safety cases. The test case will be based on the PHEBUS Facility located at CEA Cadarache. | Isotopic depletion for Research and Testing Reactor decommissioning EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 4 10 2018 Nuclear Sciences G. Ritter et al. published by EDP Sciences 2018 amp Technologies https epjn 2018008 Available online at https REGULAR ARTICLE Isotopic depletion for Research and Testing Reactor decommissioning Guillaume Ritter Romain Eschbach Richard Girieud and Maxime Soulard CEA DEN SPRC 13108 St Paul-lez-Durance France Received 6 July 2017 Received in final form 4 October 2017 Accepted 27 March 2018 Abstract. CESAR stands in French for simplified depletion applied to reprocessing . The current version is now number as it started 30 years ago from a long lasting cooperation with ORANO co-owner of the code with CEA. This computer code can characterize several types of nuclear fuel assemblies from the most regular PWR power plants to the most unexpected gas cooled and graphite moderated old timer research facility. Each type of fuel can also include numerous ranges of compositions like UOX MOX LEU or HEU. Such versatility comes from a broad catalog of cross section libraries each corresponding to a specific reactor and fuel matrix design. CESAR goes beyond fuel characterization and can also provide an evaluation of structural materials activation. The cross-sections libraries are generated using the most refined assembly or core level transport code calculation schemes CEA APOLLO2 or ERANOS based on the European nuclear data base. Each new CESAR self shielded cross section library benefits all most recent CEA recommendations as for deterministic physics options. Resulting cross sections are organized as a function of burn up and initial fuel enrichment which allows to condensate this costly process into a series of Legendre polynomials. The final outcome is a fast accurate and compact CESAR cross section library. Each library is fully validated against a stochastic transport code CEA TRIPOLI 4 if needed .