This review paper describes the destructive and non-destructive measurements implemented or under development at CEA, in view to perform the most complete radioactive waste characterization. | The characterization of radioactive waste a critical review of techniques implemented or under development at CEA France EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 4 3 2018 Nuclear Sciences B. Pérot et al. published by EDP Sciences 2018 amp Technologies https epjn 2017033 Available online at https REGULAR ARTICLE The characterization of radioactive waste a critical review of techniques implemented or under development at CEA France Bertrand Pérot1 Fanny Jallu1 Christian Passard1 Olivier Gueton1 Pierre-Guy Allinei1 Laurent Loubet1 Nicolas Estre1 Eric Simon1 Cédric Carasco1 Christophe Roure1 Lionel Boucher1 Hervé Lamotte1 Jérôme Comte1 Maïté Bertaux1 Abdallah Lyoussi1 Pascal Fichet2 and Frédérick Carrel3 1 CEA DEN Cadarache 13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance France 2 CEA DEN Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette France 3 CEA LIST Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette France Received 11 July 2017 Received in final form 30 October 2017 Accepted 23 November 2017 Abstract. This review paper describes the destructive and non-destructive measurements implemented or under development at CEA in view to perform the most complete radioactive waste characterization. First high-energy photon imaging radiography tomography brings essential information on the waste packages such as density position and shape of the waste inside the container and in the possible binder quality of coating and blocking matrices presence of internal shields or structures presence of cracks voids or other defects in the container or in the matrix liquids or other forbidden materials etc. Radiological assessment is then performed using a series of non-destructive techniques such as gamma-ray spectroscopy which allows characterizing a wide range of radioactive and nuclear materials passive neutron coincidence counting and active neutron interrogation with the differential die-away technique or active photon interrogation with high-energy photons photofission to measure nuclear materials. Prompt gamma neutron .