In this study, COMAC nuclear data uncertainties have been propagated on the BEAVRS benchmark using a two-step APOLLO2/CRONOS2 scheme, where APOLLO2 is the lattice code used to resolve Boltzmann equation within assemblies using a high number of energy groups, and CRONOS2 is the code resolving the 3D full core diffusion equation using only four energy groups. | Development and validation of uncertainty neutron transport calculations at an industrial scale EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 4 45 2018 Nuclear Sciences J. Gaillet et al. published by EDP Sciences 2018 amp Technologies https epjn 2018031 Available online at https REGULAR ARTICLE Development and validation of uncertainty neutron transport calculations at an industrial scale Julien Gaillet1 Thomas Bonaccorsi1 Gilles Noguere2 and Guillaume Truchet1 1 CEA DEN DER SPRC LPN 13108 Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance France 2 CEA DEN DER SPRC LEPH 13108 Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance France Received 27 October 2017 Received in final form 14 February 2018 Accepted 14 May 2018 Abstract. Evaluating uncertainties on nuclear parameters such as reactivity is a major issue for conception of nuclear reactors. These uncertainties mainly come from the lack of knowledge on nuclear and technological data. Today the common method used to propagate nuclear data uncertainties is Total Monte Carlo 1 but this method suffers from a long time calculation. Moreover it requires as many calculations as uncertainties sought. An other method for the propagation of the nuclear data uncertainties consists in using the standard perturbation theory SPT to calculate reactivity sensitivity to the desire nuclear data. In such a method sensitivities are combined with a priori nuclear data covariance matrices such as the COMAC set developed by CEA. The goal of this work is to calculate sensitivites by SPT with the full core diffusion code CRONOS2 for propagation uncertainties at the core level. In this study COMAC nuclear data uncertainties have been propagated on the BEAVRS benchmark using a two-step APOLLO2 CRONOS2 scheme where APOLLO2 is the lattice code used to resolve Boltzmann equation within assemblies using a high number of energy groups and CRONOS2 is the code resolving the 3D full core diffusion equation using only four energy groups. A module implementing the SPT already exists in the .