The paper deals with dose and temperature characteristics inside the SFCM after transition of the molten mixture to solid state. Calculations were made on simplified spherical models, without connection to some specific nuclear accident. | Dose and temperature distribution in spent fuel containing material EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 2 31 2016 Nuclear Sciences L. Viererbl et al. published by EDP Sciences 2016 amp Technologies DOI epjn 2016024 Available online at http REGULAR ARTICLE Dose and temperature distribution in spent fuel containing material Ladislav Viererbl1 Zdena Lahodová1 Jelena Zmítková1 Miroslav Vinš1 and Jiří Šrank2 1 Research Centre Řež Ltd. Hlavní 130 250 68 Řež near Prague Czech Republic 2 UJV Řež . Hlavní 130 250 68 Řež near Prague Czech Republic Received 13 October 2015 Accepted 31 May 2016 Abstract. Spent fuel containing material SFCM can arise during severe nuclear reactor accident by melting of a reactor core and surrounding material corium or during accident in spent fuel storage. It consists of nuclear fuel fission products activation products and materials from fuel cladding concrete etc. The paper deals with dose and temperature characteristics inside the SFCM after transition of the molten mixture to solid state. Calculations were made on simplified spherical models without connection to some specific nuclear accident. The dose rate was estimated for alpha beta and gamma radiation in times over the course of 30 years from the end of the fission chain reaction. Concentration of helium generated in the material by alpha decay was calculated. For the dose rate values estimation computation code ORIGEN with dosimetric library ENDF B-IV were used. Temperature distribution inside the solid SFCM was calculated by FLUENT code. As source of heating energy of radioactive decays was taken. Estimated dose and temperature characteristics can be used . for evaluation of radiation damage and temperature behaviour of SFCM or for radiation test design of corium simulating materials. 1 Introduction temperature characteristics can be used . for evalua- tion of radiation damage and temperature behaviour of Spent fuel containing material SFCM can arise during .