The present paper follows the same approach as that of Turner and Bowen (1999). The Multinomial regression is specified as P ðMi ¼ jÞ¼ðexpðbj XiÞ= P5 j1 expðbj XiÞÞ, where P (Mi¼ j) denotes the probability of choosing outcome j, the particular course/major choice that categorizes different disciplines. This response variable is specified with five categories: such as medicine, engineering, other professional courses, science and humanities. The authors’ primary interest is to determine the factors governing an individual’s decision to choose a particular subject field as compared to humanities. In other words, to make the system identifiable in the MLR, humanities is treated as a reference category. The vector Xi includes the set of explanatory variables and bj refers to the corresponding coefficients for each of the outcome j. From an aggregate perspective, the distribution of course choices is an important input to the skill (technical skills) composition of future workforce. In that sense, except humanities, the rest of the courses are technical-intensive courses; hence, humanities is treated as a reference category. | Enrolment by academic discipline in higher education Differential and determinants