In this study, we evaluated the Himawari-8 radiation product, named AMATERASS, provided by solar radiation consortium under Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Strategic Creation Research Promotion Project/Terrestrial Energy Estimation and Demand Data Analyzes (CREST/TEEDDA) using observations recorded at 5 stations in different regions of Viet Nam. The result showed good agreement between satellite estimation and observed data with high correlation of range , and better in clear-sky episodes. We compared GHI estimates of EMATERASS with ERAInterim reanalysis in the spatial scale. The comparison was made separately for 7 climate zones and 4 seasons. The results showed that ERA-Interim products were well associated with satellite-based estimates in seasonal trends, but with different biases. The difference between two products was particularly pronounced in the months of DJF periods and in the north part of Viet Nam because of unresolved cloud in the ERA reanalysis. Thus, satellite estimation of Solar irradiation could be used for producing reliable solar radiation maps for Viet Nam in condition of limited surface network of observations. | Evaluation of solar radiation estimated from Himawari-8 satellite over Viet Nam region