Fiji enjoys a tropical maritime climate, but a sizeable areas of this pacific islands also comes under dry areas, earlier sugarcane was grown on large scale, but due to constraints now it is slowly substituted by other enterprise, among them horticulture has emerged as major enterprise, but establishment of orchard is a long term investment and its fruit comes many year after planting, so a careful need is to be taken before establishment of orchard, a number of minor tropical fruits are grown in Fiji islands like ber, custard apple, bael, guava, jamun, jackfruit, kavika, lasora, nandau, mulberry, passion fruit, starapple, tamarind, tarawau, mulberry who are not only rich in their nutritional value, and can be utilized for preparation of various nutrient enriched product, providing earning to the farmer as well as processor. | Exploitation of climate resilient minor tropical fruit crops for nutritional and livelihood security in Fiji islands