This study explored the association among Goal Orientation, Academic Self-efficacy, Academic Help-seeking Behaviour and Achievement on a sample of 600 secondary school students using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for data analysis and to see the impact. | Structural equation model reviewing relationships among goal orientation academic self-efficacy academic help-seeking behaviour and achievement International Journal of Management IJM Volume 7 Issue 1 Jan-Feb 2016 pp. 94-102 Article ID IJM_07_01_010 Available online at http IJM JType IJM amp VType 7 amp IType 1 Journal Impact Factor 2016 Calculated by GISI ISSN Print 0976-6502 and ISSN Online 0976-6510 IAEME Publication STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODEL REVIEWING RELATIONSHIPS AMONG GOAL ORIENTATION ACADEMIC SELF- EFFICACY ACADEMIC HELP-SEEKING BEHAVIOUR AND ACHIEVEMENT Prof. Hemant Lata Sharma Dean Faculty of Education . University Rohtak Haryana India Gunjan Nasa Senior Research Fellow Department of Education . University Rohtak Haryana India ABSTRACT This study explored the association among Goal Orientation Academic Self-efficacy Academic Help-seeking Behaviour and Achievement on a sample of 600 secondary school students using Structural Equation Modeling SEM for data analysis and to see the impact. Goal orientation is an outlook toward demonstrating ability in achievement situations. Academic Self-efficacy is a person s belief in his her ability to succeed in an academic situation. Academic help-seeking behaviour is seeking others help at the time when one faces difficulties or uncertainty in the course of his her education in classroom. Achievement is the accomplishment or acquired proficiency in the performance of an individual with respect to a given knowledge or skill. Structural Equation Modeling is a powerful technique that can combine complex path models with latent variables. By using SEM researchers can specify confirmatory factor analysis models regression models and complex path models. In the present study relationship among all the variables has been visualized by a graphical path diagram showing the positive relationship among goal orientation and its approaches with academic self-efficacy and .