Hibiscus rosasinensis is member of the family Malvaceae, grow as green herbaceous plant in tropical regions. It is a tropical shrub, with large, glossy green leaves and spectacular trumpet shaped flowers. Its medicinal values have been mentioned in traditional folk medicines for variety of diseases. The objective of this study is to determine the phytochemical constituent using different solvent and to study the antibacterial effect of methanol extract at different concentration against three bacteria. Phytochemical screening of H. rosasinensis flower by four extraction solvents are carried out and antibacterial activity of three concentration of methanol extracts were screened against some bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Methanol extract of hibiscus exhibits highest extraction yield value, followed by Ethanol, water and Ethyl acetate respectively. | Potential antibacterial activity of Hibiscus rosasinensis linn flowers extracts