A non-diffusable yellow pigmented isolate (Y_01) was isolated from a week-long enrichment of fecal sample of Indian rock python in cholesterol minimal medium. Basic biochemical characterization followed by 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing and Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization method led to identification of the isolate as Micrococcus luteus. Nutrient broth (pH ) supplemented with NaCl was used as the growth medium with incubating conditions of 37˚C for 24 hours as ideal scenario. The microbial pigment was found to be insoluble in most of the polar and non-polar solvents and resistant to both acid and alkali. The yellow pigment showed durable staining on both glossy and non-glossy papers with absence of spreading in the presence of alcohol and acetone, thus establishing applicability of the same as “bio-ink”. | Applicability of yellow pigmented microbe obtained from Indian rock python fecal sample as Bio-Ink