Field experiments were conducted during kharif 2016 and rabi 2016-17 at Research and Development farm of Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd., Udumalpet with seven treatments comprising of two irrigation (100% and 150% ETc) and three fertigation levels (75%, 100% and 125% RDF) in addition, surface irrigation method as a check for aerobic rice. For onion crop also seven treatments were setup with reducing water levels to 75% and 100% ETc from that of rice water levels by keeping same fertigation levels. The furrow irrigation was maintained as check. In rice crop, surface irrigation method resulted higher growth and yield parameters. Among the aerobic rice treatments, drip fertigation at 150% ETc with 125% RDF was recorded higher growth and yield characters and it was at par with surface irrigation method. But in onion crop, furrow irrigation registered significantly lower growth and yield parameters among the treatments. DF with 100% ETc + 125% RDF registered higher growth and yield parameters. | Evaluation of drip fertigation in aerobic rice-onion cropping system