A field experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Station-KasbeDigraj () Maharashtra, (India) during 2013-15. It was laid out in Randomized Block Design with four replication and six treatments. There were various levels of nitrogen (100%, 50%, 25% and 0%) with P2O5, K2O, PSB, FYM and foliar application of consortium of endophytic nitrogen fixing bacterial with and without combination and set treatment of Acetobacter diazotrophicus. The results of experiment revealed that the application of 25% N + foliar application consortium of endophytic bacteria @ 3 L ha-1 60 days after planting of sugarcane was found beneficial for saving of 75 per cent nitrogen with increase in yield of surusugarcane (Phule-265). | Effect of consortium of endophytic nitrogen fixing bacteria in surusugarcane on yield at agricultural research Station-Kasbe-Digraj