Oilseeds constitute a very important group of commercial crops in India and also in Odisha. Due to the economical values of these crops, these are considered as the most important crops all over the country as well as for the state of odisha. The present study aims at analyzing the district level growth and instability of oilseeds during kharif season in the state of Odisha from 1993-94 to 2016-17. The compound growth rate and Coppock’s instability index are used as a measure of growth and instability of area, yield and production of kharif oilseeds. Also the districts of Odisha are ranked on basis of compound growth rate and Coppock’s instability index of area, yield and production of kharif oilseeds. The compound growth rate of yield of kharif oilseeds in Odisha is positive and significant. But the significantly negative compound growth rate of area under kharif oilseeds is responsible for the significantly negative compound growth rate of production of kharif oilseeds. | Growth and instability of oilseed production in odisha during kharif season A statistical study