The experiment was conducted during two consecutive years (2012-13 and 2013-14) to assess the mean performance of hybrid and parent cultivars and their response towards holding solutions. Hybrid cultivars were found to perform better than their parents for the characters under study. Among all the cultivars tested, Punjab Glance statistically at par with Punjab Glad 1 and Punjab Lemon Delight took minimum days to opening of basal floret ( days). Punjab Glad 1 recorded maximum vase life ( days), absorption spike-1 ( ml) and per cent opening of florets. Punjab Glad 1 statistically at par with Punjab Flame recorded maximum number of florets open at one time (). Punjab Glad 1 statistically at par with Punjab Pink Elegance and Punjab Glance recorded maximum floret diameter ( cm). | Relative performance of parent and hybrid cultivars of gladiolus Gladiolus hybridus Hort. for post-harvest attributes and response to different holding solutions