A field experiment was conducted with maize-groundnut cropping sequence. Rock phosphate and its combination with SSP were used as nutrient sources during Rabi 2016- 17 (maize taken up in Kharif 2016). The study was carried out in the Central Farm, OUAT with the help of a field experiment laid out in Randomized Block Design with seven treatment T1 Control, T2 100% P(RP),T3 100% P(SSP), T4 75% P(RP) + 25% P(SSP), T5 50% P(RP) + 50% P(SSP), T6 25% P(RP) + 75% P(SSP) and T7 100% P(SSP) + Lime @ LR and replicated in thrice. | Microbial diversity in various combinations of phosphorous sources in maize-groundnut cropping sequence in an Alfisols of Odisha India