THE FIRST writer I watched at work was my stepfather, E. B. White. Each Tuesday morning, he would close his study door and sit down to write the "Notes and Comment" page for The New Yorker. The task was familiar to him — he was required to file a few hundred words of editorial or personal commentary on some topic in or out of the news that week — but the sounds of his typewriter from his room came in hesitant bursts, with long silences in between. | For more material and information please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at NEW EDITION . William STRUNK WHITE . jfiW a little book small enough and important enough to carry in your pocket as I carry mine. Charles Osgood Elements Style Fourth Edition Foreword by Roger Angell For more material and information please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at Copyrighted Material _ REFERENCE STRUNK WHITE The Elements of Style Fourth Edition Sarne ficclttlin -f-of rmviw J BUY IT STUDY IT ENJOY IT. IT S AS TIMELESS AS A BOOK CAN BE JN OUR AGE OF VOLUBILITY. -- Un1 V lrbh A 7 NO BOOK IN SHORTER SPACE WITH FEWER WORDS WILL HELP ANY WRITER MORE THAN THIS PERSISTENT LITTLE VOLUME he fHnhi- White is one of the best stylists and most lucid minds in THIS COUNTRY. WHAT HE SAYS AND HIS WAY OF SAYING IT ARE EOU A L LY R E WAR DI N G I h .Sil v 7 Jolt. . n I The work remains a nonpareil direct correct and DELIGHTFUL. --- if V i H rAfT .SHOULD BE THE DAILY COMPANION OF ANYONE WHO WRITES FOR A LIVING AND FOR THAT MATTER ANTONE WHO WRITES AT ALL. hvenxt i w tDaily THIS EXCELLENT BOOK. WHICH SHOULD GO OFF TO COLLEGE WITH EVERY FRESHMAN IS RECOGNIZED AS THE BEST BOOK OF ITS KIND WE HAVE. l tul Di iati It Pitmt-er Ti v IT S HARP TO IMAGINE AN ENGINEER OR A MANAGER WHO DOESN T NEED TO EXPRESS HIM5ELF IN ENGLISH FRO5E AS PART OF HIS JOE. IT S ALSO HARD TO IMAGINE A WRITER WHO WILL NOT BE IMPROVED BY A LIBERAL APPLICATION OF TltC Elements of Style. Ti iTjfr vjL1 ineer Mtfttuge maii Visit our Web Gallery at hl tp 7 www abacon .com for related til les and support materials. . CANADA ISBN Copyrighted Material 2 For more material and information please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at OLIVER STRUNK THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE 4th edition First published in 1935 Copyright Oliver Strunk Last Revision William Strunk Jr. and Edward A. Tenney 2000 Earlier editions Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. 1959 1972 Copyright 2000 1979 ALLYN