Nine experimental dietary formulations (T1-T9) were prepared which composed of rice, wheat, sorghum, rice + groundnut, wheat + groundnut, sorghum + groundnut, rice + sesamum, wheat + sesamum and sorghum + sesamum as base diet to rear and maintain the rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica under laboratory conditions. All the diets were fortified with baker’s yeast @ 5 g, wettable sulphur @ 5 g, and Streptomycin sulphate @ 50 mg. The parameters studied in the present work were total developmental period, percent adult moth emergence, percent male and female moth emergence, male and female longevity fecundity, total cost for preparing diet, total egg production, total income and net profit. | Determination of suitable and economical diet for laboratory rearing of rice moth corcyra cephalonica Stainton