This study aims to determine the level of student understanding of the basic techniques and rules of volleyball. | Level of understanding of education health and recreation students on basic techniques and volleyball game regulation International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology IJMET Volume 10 Issue 03 March 2019 pp. 1867-1872. Article ID IJMET_10_03_189 Available online at http ijmet JType IJMET amp VType 10 amp IType 3 ISSN Print 0976-6340 and ISSN Online 0976-6359 IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING OF EDUCATION HEALTH AND RECREATION STUDENTS ON BASIC TECHNIQUES AND VOLLEYBALL GAME REGULATION Hendra Jondry Hiskya Department of Physical Education Health and Recreation Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Musamus Merauke Indonesia ABSTRACT Volleyball games are basically one type of competitive game. Students need to be equipped with an understanding of volleyball game material well. This study aims to determine the level of student understanding of the basic techniques and rules of volleyball. That overall the level of understanding of students is in the category of quot very low quot by 0 0 students quot low quot by 1 3 students quot sufficient quot at 26 students quot high quot by 3 33 1 student and quot very high quot at 0 0 students . With these results on average understanding can be concluded in the category of quot sufficient quot . Keywords volleyball regulation students understanding Cite this Article Hendra Jondry Hiskya Level of Understanding of Education Health and Recreation Students on Basic Techniques and Volleyball Game Regulation International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 10 3 2019 pp. 1867-1872. http IJMET JType IJMET amp VType 10 amp IType 3 1. INTRODUCTION Physical education is basically an integral part of the education system as a whole aims to develop aspects of health physical fitness critical thinking skills emotional stability social skills reasoning and moral action through physical and sporting activities. Physical .