The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and improve the results of LLP with increasing number of unsuccessful participants and make a proposal for a 4DX (4 Disciplines of Execution) strategic program for the implementation of SAQ (Speed, Agility, Quality) to improve the outcome of leadership learning. | Evaluation of the learning process of executive education ii to improve the learning outcomes in PLN group International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology IJMET Volume 10 Issue 03 March 2019 pp. 1593-1605. Article ID IJMET_10_03_160 Available online at http ijmet JType IJMET amp VType 10 amp IType 3 ISSN Print 0976-6340 and ISSN Online 0976-6359 IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed EVALUATION OF THE LEARNING PROCESS OF EXECUTIVE EDUCATION II TO IMPROVE THE LEARNING OUTCOMES IN PLN GROUP Syiriif Abdullah S. Kom Bina Nusantara University Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering Jakarta Indonesia 11480 Bachtiar H. Simamora . . Management Department BINUS Business School Undergraduate Program Bina Nusantara University Jakarta Indonesia 11480 ABSTRACT Where to get leaders who are in line with the needs of PLN now and in the future leaders who can understand the issue of business so that it can be illustrated when Indonesia Power Company PLN leaders complete their daily tasks one of which can be seen from the results of Leadership Learning Performance LLP through Executive Education in PLN Corporate University. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and improve the results of LLP with increasing number of unsuccessful participants and make a proposal for a 4DX 4 Disciplines of Execution strategic program for the implementation of SAQ Speed Agility Quality to improve the outcome of leadership learning. The researcher uses Total Quality Management TQM variables and Study Satisfaction SS as independent variables to Leadership Learning Performance LLP as dependent variables. From the hypothesis compiled the results show that all hypotheses are significant and accepted. So that by consistently applying TQM will improve the results of LLP at PLN Group. Keywords Leader Executive Education Corporate University Total Quality Management Study Satisfaction Leadership Learning Performance 4DX Disciplines of Execution . Cite this .