This article discusses testing results of industrial trial of new wastewater disinfection comprised of combined use of ultrasonic and ultraviolet methods at final stage of wastewater treatment aimed at elimination of pathogenic organisms, thereby preventing spread of infectious diseases. | Testing combined application of ultraviolet and ultrasonic disinfection of wastewater International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology IJMET Volume 10 Issue 03 March 2019 pp. 1566-1573. Article ID IJMET_10_03_157 Available online at http ijmet JType IJMET amp VType 10 amp IType 3 ISSN Print 0976-6340 and ISSN Online 0976-6359 IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed TESTING COMBINED APPLICATION OF ULTRAVIOLET AND ULTRASONIC DISINFECTION OF WASTEWATER Nikolay Lebedev Alexandra-Plus Vologda Russian Federation Vladimir Grachev Scientific Research Institute for Environmental Issues Moscow Russian Federation Global Ecology Center Faculty of Global Studies Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow Russian Federation Olga Pliamina Scientific Research Institute for Environmental Issues Moscow Russian Federation Oleg Lebedev Dina Lukichyova OOO Novotech-ECO Vologda Russian Federation Valeriy Doilnitsyn Andrey Akatov Peter the Great Polytechnic University St. Petersburg Russian Federation Leonid Leonov SUE Vodokanal of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Russian Federation ABSTRACT This article discusses testing results of industrial trial of new wastewater disinfection comprised of combined use of ultrasonic and ultraviolet methods at final stage of wastewater treatment aimed at elimination of pathogenic organisms thereby preventing spread of infectious diseases. The new method has been developed patented and tested at one of the leading water service companies SUE Vodokanal of St. Petersburg . The integrated assembly was fabricated at Novotech-ECO and installed at South-West Wastewater Treatment Plant SWWTP SUE Vodokanal of St. Petersburg . The test results demonstrated efficiency of combined ultraviolet and ultrasonic treatment of wastewater both in terms of disinfection improvement and in terms of the assembly operation stability through prevention of biological films deposition on lamp sleeves. The latter fact served as background