A field experiment was conducted during Kharif 2017 at Zonal Agricultural and Horticultural Research Station, Babbur farm, Hiriyur. Pure crop of groundnut is tested against intercropping of finger millet, little millet and foxtail millet at 5:2 and 6:1 row proportions. Intercropping of groundnut (G-2-52) + foxtail millet (HMT100-1) with 6:1 row proportion showed significantly higher groundnut pod yield (1,744 kg ha-1 ) and groundnut equivalent yield (1,876 kg ha-1 ). On the other hand groundnut + foxtail millet with 5:2 row proportion recorded significantly higher land equivalent ratio() and the highest mean of monetary advantage index (10,536 Rs. ha-1 ). | Performance of groundnut Arachis hypogaea L. based millets intercropping system in central dry zone of Karnataka