Tourism is considered as one of the major components in the economy, since it increases job creation, enhance the social level, decrease poverty and increases the opportunities for entrepreneurs to prove their skills especially women (Caroline Ashley) . | Role of Tourism in Global Economic Integration Technium Social Sciences Journal Vol. 5 61-69 March 2020 ISSN 2668-7798 Role of Tourism in Global Economic Integration Ola Bazaza Pharm. Pharm. MBA Beirut Lebanon- Beirut Arab University Faculty of Business Administration doctorate in business administration Abstract. Tourism is considered as one of the major components in the economy since it increases job creation enhance the social level decrease poverty and increases the opportunities for entrepreneurs to prove their skills especially women Caroline Ashley . Having an integrated economy where borders are removed tourism is more facilitated and those countries would benefit economically where the number of tourists increase. As we can see that the EU region is considered the first destination for tourism in addition to the nature landscape having an integrated economy sharing a single market played a major role in increasing this tourism trips especially that most tourists are from Europe. Tourism is very important in Lebanon and should be developed through building a good image create linkages between different sectors taking into consideration that we can get short term or long term results accordingly. Keywords. Tourism Global economic integration Lebanon European union Introduction Tourism Many countries consider tourism a crucial economic component due its positive effects on economy. Tourism increases job offers and availability directly in hotels restaurants stores and transportation and indirectly through other products and services that support tourism agriculture industry ecology etc. . This creation for new opportunities would increase the income for the workforce and which would increase the standard of living for local population. Tourist destination would bring good revenues paid as taxes and fees from the companies working in this field. In addition to the increase in local products exportation it is .