Starting from the fact that man is a social being and the reality that teen, street child, living among people belonging to the same social environment, acting through a set of ways the environment, relationships with others, he must form a proper attitude and prosocial behavior. | Features of aggression regarding homeless children Technium Social Sciences Journal Vol. 2 90-95 January 2020 ISSN 2668-7798 Features of aggression regarding homeless children Lect. Univ. dr. Mihaela Luminița Sandu Ovidius University of Constanta Romania mihaela_naidin@ Prof. univ. dr. habil. Mihaela Rus Ovidius University of Constanta Romania psiholog_m@ Abstract. Starting from the fact that man is a social being and the reality that teen street child living among people belonging to the same social environment acting through a set of ways the environment relationships with others he must form a proper attitude and prosocial behavior. Respect individuality training and development in line with its own development guidelines are necessary conditions in the educational process. Street children are those who are deprived of all monitoring and control those who are exposed to overcrowding hunger cold and different risks. Due to their physical and emotional fragility they are among the first victims of aggression. Their adaptation to life on the road conditions allow them to survive in a context where no professional skills no money no shelter and are likely to be exploited physically and sexually abused. Survival in the street becomes possible through group membership learn various skills in which they are intended to provide a form of income their improvised shelters most often in the channels and or staircase he organized a program day. They learn how to conduct profitable activities limit their definition as legitimate and how to avoid being arrested or convicted usually know that nothing happens to be minors. Keywords. features of aggression street children homeless children Introduction The causes of this phenomenon are extremely complex interlacing individual factors and social economic and material factors that achieve cumulative effects that increase the proportion of the phenomenon. The consequences are quite .