In this study, an increase in emotional intelligence was developed using learning models. The research model used was quasi-experiment with the design of the pretest post-test two treatment design. | Effect of student learning model on emotional intelligence International Journal of Management IJM Volume 10 Issue 6 November-December 2019 pp. 54 60 Article ID IJM_10_06_006 Available online at http ijm JType IJM amp VType 10 amp IType 6 Journal Impact Factor 2019 Calculated by GISI ISSN Print 0976-6502 and ISSN Online 0976-6510 IAEME Publication EFFECT OF STUDENT LEARNING MODEL ON EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Pulung Riyanto Department of Physical Education Health and Recreation Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Musamus Merauke Indonesia Philipus Betaubun Civil Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering Universitas Musamus Mrauke Indonesia ABSTRACT The era of globalization requires someone to have intelligence in facing all difficulties and challenges not closing the possibility of physical education learning. In this study an increase in emotional intelligence was developed using learning models. The research model used was quasi-experiment with the design of the pretest post-test two treatment design. Emotional intelligence plays a role in realizing educational goals this is expected to increase conducive learning. In learning emotional intelligence is not very popular but is a basis for assessing students abilities and for understanding students feelings. Emotional intelligence is expected to be a determining factor in the bridge to achieve learning outcomes. It is expected that teachers of Physical Education in using Emotional intelligence can use Inquiry learning models. Keywords Emotional Intelligence Problem Based Learning Inquiry Learning Cite this Article Pulung Riyanto Philipus Betaubun Effect of Student Learning Model on Emotional Intelligence International Journal of Management IJM 10 6 2019 pp. 54 60. http IJM JType IJM amp VType 10 amp IType 6 1. INTRODUCTION Emotional intelligence is obtained because of the awareness of an object that begins with the .