Field experiment was conducted during 2011-2015 at Sisal Research Station (°N, °E, 267 m above mean sea level, AMSL), Bamra, Odisha, India to study the effect of drip-irrigation and micronutrients (Zn and B) on growth, fibre yield, water use efficiency, nutrient and micronutrient content in sisal (Agave sisalana Perr. Ex Engelm.). It was observed that interaction of drip-irrigation @ 4 l/hr for 2 hrs at 2 weeks interval during 14-23 standard meteorological week (SMW) x micronutrients (zinc sulphate @ 20 kg + borax 15 kg/ha) produced the longest leaf () and produced the maximum number of leaves ( x 103 ) in sisal. | Application of micro-irrigation and micro-nutrients to improve fibre yield and water use efficiency in sisal Agave sisalana Perr. Ex Engelm.