The present study on access the impact of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK's) for conducting the training programmes in their respective district of the Nagaland state during the year 2012-13 to 2016-17 (five years) and also to assess the impact of income as well as employment generated for that purpose it was categorized into two groups viz., adopted and non-adopted villages (80 respondents to each category which make a total of 160 respondents). To achieve the objectives of the present study a multi stage purpose random sampling methods was adopted. In general, to cover the different aspects 12 numbers of discipline were selected to assess the income and employment, so the overall annual income may be increased by the KVK's adopted villages if the re-allocation of the selected variable were made adjustment for the effectiveness of the different schemes / programme implemented in both the district through different activities to enhanced the income and employment. | Impact assessment on income and employment of krishi vigyan Kendra training programmes in Nagaland