A field experiment was carried out in the pot culture of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, C S Azad University of Agriculture & Technology during 2017-18. The experiment consisted of 9 treatments viz. T1: Control, T2: N (RDN 100%), T3: NP (100%), T4: NPK (100%) T5: NPK (100%) + Zn5, T6: NPK (100%) + S30, T7: NPK (100%) + Zn5 + S30, T8: 75% (RDF) + Zn5 + S30 + 25% through FYM and T9: 75% (RDF) + Zn5 + S30 + 25% through FYM + PSB @ Kg ha-1 in soil assigned in randomized block design replicated thrice during rabi season of 2017-18. | Productivity water use efficiency and economics of Indian Mustard Brassica juncea L. as influenced by integrated nutrient management