The present research study focuses on organic edible coatings such as chitosan (1%), aloe vera gel (100%), honey (10%) as an substitute for chemical based coatings showed promising results in extending shelf life of ready-to-eat arils of pomegranate cv. Bhagwa packed in clamshells. Chitosan (1%) treated pomegranate arils packed in clamshells and stored at cold temperature of 4±1ºC was found to be promising to maintain several quality parameters such as total anthocyanins ( mg 100 g-1 ), β– carotene content ( μ 100g-1 ) and sensory characters like colour, taste and flavour of arils besides keeping the microbial load at minimum level at twenty days of storage. | Bioactive compounds and quality attributes of edible coated ready-toeat arils of Pomegranate cv. Bhagwa packed in clamshells during storage