An experiment entitled “ Integrated nutrient management of Coriander variety Super Midori” of Tokita seed was conducted in the Department of Vegetable Science, College of Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar during Rabi 2013 - 2014 to assess the effect of nitrogen (50, 60 and 70 kg/ha), potash (50 and 60 kg/ha) in combination with FYM (20 t/ha), phosphorous (40 kg/ha) on growth, growth attributing characters of coriander leaves under two sets of experiment . line sowing and broadcasting. It was found that inline sowing the number of day ( day) to germinate was lowest in interaction effect of nitrogen and potash (N2K2). Similarly in broad casting . 8 days in N1K1 and N3K3. Germination percentage was found maximum in N2K1 ( %), N3K2 () in line sowing & broadcasting respectively. The height of the plant at 30 days is in N3K2 treatment under line sowing whereas cm was found in N3K2 under broadcasting. | Effect of nitrogen and potash on growth of coriander Var. Super Midori