The present investigation was under taken in the Department of Horticulture, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad during rabi season (2016-2017). Experiment was carried out to assess the performance of five Oriental lily varieties viz., Cobra Red, Signum, Yelloween, Sorbonne and Justina grown in different media viz. vermicompost, coco peat and sand in different compositions. The study was conducted as a pot culture trial in form of factorial experiment following completely Randomized Design with 3 replications. The study revealed that the plant height, number of leaves, days taken for 1st flower bud initiation, length of 1st matured flower bud (mm), diameter of fully open 1st flower (mm), number of flowers per plant were found to be significant and they were found to be maximum in the media containing equal proportions of coco peat: vermicompost: soil: (1:1:1v/v). | Effect of growing medias on different varieties of oriental lilium Lilium orientalis under shadenet in allahabad agro climatic conditions