This study is undertaken with the objectives, to find the practices of health and hygiene among school children in Mangalore city and to compare the practices on health and hygiene between Government, Private and Aided school children. | Health and hygiene practices among school children in Mangalore city International Journal of Management IJM Volume 10 Issue 1 January-February 2019 pp. 60-64 Article ID IJM_10_01_010 Available online at http ijm JType IJM amp VType 10 amp IType 1 Journal Impact Factor 2019 Calculated by GISI ISSN Print 0976-6502 and ISSN Online 0976-6510 IAEME Publication HEALTH AND HYGIENE PRACTICES AMONG SCHOOL CHILDREN IN MANGALORE CITY Prof. AshaRai. M. G. Research Scholar Associate professor HOD. Home Science Besant Women s College. Mangalore India Dr. Mamatha .B Research Guide Associate professor Department of Resource Management Smt. . Central Institute of Home Science Bangalore India ABSTRACT Health and hygiene pose grave problems in the entire world. Globally billions of people do not have access to improved health and hygiene. Sanitation is least cared for. So this study is undertaken with the objectives to find the practices of health and hygiene among school children in Mangalore city and to compare the practices on health and hygiene between Government Private and Aided school children. Tools used for the study were Survey method and Questionnaire. Children in the age range of 10-12 years were selected for the study. Sixteen schools 8 from north and 8 from south were taken for the study. Questionnaires were distributed to 820 respondents . 183 Government 309 Aided and 328 Private school children to elicit information regarding their practices on health and hygiene. Questions were explained to them clearly during the study. The opinions collected by using the questionnaire were scored and tabulated. It was seen from the finding that mean practice scores were found highest in Private school when compared to Government school and Aided school respondents. The data wasanalyzed statistically by using the F test and found that there was a highly significant difference between different types of .