An experiment was conducted during rabi 2010-11 to study the influence of integrated weed management on β-carotene content and Vit-C content of carrot. The results indicated that the influence of integrated weed management on these quality parameters was found to be non-significant. However, maximum β-carotene content ( µg) and Vit-C content ( per 100 gms) were recorded with treatment Metribuzin kg ha-1 (PE) + Hand Weeding 30 DAS and the minimum were recorded in unweeded control. Application of different pre-emergence herbicides and their combinations with post emergence herbicides and hand weeding had exerted a significant influence on yield of carrot. Pre-emergence application of Metribuzin kg ha-1 (PE) followed by hand Weeding at 30 Days after sowing was effective and significantly superior over the rest of treatments by recording the highest yield of carrot ( t/ha). | Influence of integrated weed management on quality parameters and yield of carrot