Maize is one of the food crop grown all over Andhra Pradesh. After harvest of the cobs, farmers have the practice of burning the stalks in the field itself. To overcome this problem and to test the feasibility of utilizing maize stalks for oyster mushroom cultivation this study was carried out. In this study milky mushroom (Calocybe indica) was cultivated using maize stalks, paddy straw and with different ratios of these two substrates for three years. This study indicates that yield and bio-efficiency was more when 100% paddy straw and least in case of 50% paddy straw + 50% maize stalks but it was not statistically significant. But it was on par with the mushroom yield and bioefficiency obtained from 100 per cent maize stalks. Among the different substrate combinations used protein content was more in mushrooms obtained from 100% maize stalk used and least in case of 100 % paddy straw but it was not statistically significant. This study clearly elucidated the possibility of utilization of maize stalks for milky mushroom cultivation instead of burning. | Feasibility of maize stalks for milky mushroom cultivation