The aim of this study was the calibration and validation of DSSAT model () for late sown wheat in western zone of Haryana. The DSSAT model was calibrated with the field experimental data of rabi 2010-11 having 3 levels of irrigation (one irrigation at crown root initiation [CRI], two irrigations at CRI and heading and four irrigations at CRI, late tillering, heading and milking) and 5 nitrogen levels (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg N/ha) and validated with data of experiment rabi 2011-12 conducted at Hisar (29°10ˈ N and 75°46ˈ E). The model performance was evaluated using average error (Bias), root mean square error (RMSE), normalized root mean square error (nRMSE), index of agreement (d-stat) and coefficient of determination (r 2 ), and it was observed that DSSAT model was able to predict the growth parameters (maximum leaf area index and total effective tillers), yields (grain, straw and biomass) and harvest index with reasonably good accuracy (error % less than ±15). | Prediction of growth and yield of late sown wheat using DSSAT model under western zone of Haryana