The analysis of means and methods of teaching and learning entrepreneurship, from the analysis of questionnaires used on students and teachers incolved in entrepreneurship education at higt school education, are the pillars of entrepreneurship development. This was started as an approach to propose new methods and tools to cover the gaps identified. | Methods and means used in teaching entrepreneurship in high school can improve entrepreneurial skills INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL International Journal of Management OF 6502 Print IJM ISSN 0976 Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2014 pp. 51-61 IAEME MANAGEMENT IJM ISSN 0976 - 6510 Online ISSN 0976-6502 Print ISSN 0976-6510 Online IJM Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2014 pp. 51-61 IAEME http IAEME Journal Impact Factor 2014 Calculated by GISI METHODS AND MEANS USED IN TEACHING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN HIGH SCHOOL CAN IMPROVE ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS Prof. Drd. Sorina-Mihaela BĂLAN Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Economic College Transilvania from Tg. Mures Romania PhD student at Technical University of Cluj Napoca field of engineering and management Lecturer PhD at the University Dimitrie Cantemir from Tg Mures ABSTRACT Tomorrow s illiterate will not be the one who can not read but will be the one who has learned how to learn. quot Alvin Toffler Entrepreneurship is a key determinant of development research and innovation that can be stimulated by specific teaching methods. When students are engaged in solving problems and experiences they understand concepts more easily and are able to explain what they have learnet and apply this outside the classroom. Students must be actively engaged in learning. By solving problems they are able to retain concepts a lot better. Teacher s role is to continuously adapt teaching methods to environmental changes direct consumer needs ie students and community needs. Therefore we have analyzed the means and teaching methods used by teachers that keep account of learning the preferences and students proposals. The analysis of means and methods of teaching and learning entrepreneurship from the analysis of questionnaires used on students and teachers incolved in entrepreneurship education at higt school education are the pillars of entrepreneurship development. This was started as an approach to propose new methods and