This study was carried out to examine consumption behavior of males and their attitudes towards cosmetics in Aurangabad. This research focuses on the different age groups of the males as well as their decision making process for purchasing the cosmetic products. | A study of male consumption pattern of cosmetic products in Aurangabad city Maharashtra International Journal of Management INTERNATIONAL IJM ISSN 0976 JOURNAL 6502 Print ISSN 0976 IJM OF MANAGEMENT - 6510 Online Volume 6 Issue 5 May 2015 pp. 37-45 IAEME ISSN 0976-6502 Print ISSN 0976-6510 Online IJM Volume 6 Issue 5 May 2015 pp. 37-45 IAEME http IAEME Journal Impact Factor 2015 Calculated by GISI A STUDY OF MALE CONSUMPTION PATTERN OF COSMETIC PRODUCTS IN AURANGABAD CITY MAHARASHTRA Dr. Pooja Deshmukh Associate Professor MBA MGM Institute of Management Aurangabad Maharashtra India ABSTRACT This study was carried out to examine consumption behavior of males and their attitudes towards cosmetics in Aurangabad. This research focuses on the different age groups of the males as well as their decision making process for purchasing the cosmetic products. The target sample was 50 males in Aurangabad. This study may also help various cosmetic companies to formulate their strategies for marketing the cosmetic products. Primary data was obtained through questionnaire. The results were analyzed through SPSS version 16. Keywords Cosmetic Market Female Consumption Behavior Consumption Pattern Spending Pattern. INTRODUCTION In today s modern and equal societies beauty is no longer only meant for women. As numerous studies indicated the shifting sex-roles the global trend of metro sexuality the influence of media and various marketing stimuli to a large degree have inspired men to adapt themselves to new lifestyles and attitudes. It is an incontestable fact that men have presented their increasing demands for higher living standard well being and healthiness. Meanwhile physical attractiveness is essential to everyone since it always plays an essential role in enhancing self-confidence level and in effectively tracking careers. An increasing number of men become more aware about how they could be in line with their ideal appearances.