The merger of the three centers would facilitate management and administration and reduce the cost of administrative operations. Also, the merger would lead to a more effective use of the facilities and the general resources of the centers. All these reasons justify the need to establish a multi-functional center that would replace the three separate centers. | JOURNAL OF SCIENCE OF HNUE Vol. 57 No. 1 pp. 69-75 THE NEED TO ESTABLISH THE DISTRICT CENTER FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION VOCATIONAL ORIENTATION AND TRAINING IN HAI DUONG PROVINCE Nguyen Van Quoc Hai Duong Province Department of Education and Training E-mail nguyenvanquoc@ Abstract. In some districts in Hai Duong Province there currently exist three separate and independent educational establishments The Continu- ing Education Center the General Techniques and Vocational Orientation Center and the Vocational Training Center. There is now a need to merge the three centers into a single center. This is needed because many of the tasks which the three centers perform are overlapping and are closely related to each other. The merger of the three centers would facilitate management and administration and reduce the cost of administrative operations. Also the merger would lead to a more effective use of the facilities and the gen- eral resources of the centers. All these reasons justify the need to estab- lish a multi-functional center that would replace the three separate centers. Keyworld Center Continuing Education General Techniques Vocational Orientation Vocational Training. 1. Introduction In some districts of Hai Duong Province there are three educational estab- lishments a Continuing Education Center a General Techniques and Vocational Orientation Center and a Vocational Training Center. Recently it has been sug- gested that they should be merged into one multi-functional center. The need for such a center will be determined by educational managers in Hai Duong. The question of the need to build the center needs the answer from the edu- cational managers in Hai Duong. 2. Content . The need to establish a District Center for Continuing Ed- ucation Vocational Orientation and Training in Hai Duong 69 Nguyen Van Quoc . Functions and goals of the current Continuing Education Center the General Techniques and Vocational Orientation Center and the .