Complex industrial systems often contain various uncertainties. Hence sophisticated fuzzy optimization (metaheuristics) techniques have become commonplace; and are currently indispensable for e ective design, maintenance and operations of such systems. Unfortunately, such state-of-the-art techniques suffer several drawbacks when applied to largescale problems. In line of improving the performance of metaheuristics in those, this work proposes the fuzzy random matrix theory (RMT) as an add-on to the cuckoo search (CS) technique for solving the fuzzy large-scale multiobjective (MO) optimization problem; biofuel supply chain. The fuzzy biofuel supply chain problem accounts for uncertainties resulting from uctuations in the annual electricity generation output of the biomass power plant [kWh/year]. The details of these investigations are presented and analyzed. | VOLUME 4 ISSUE 1 2020 March Random Matrix Generators for Optimizing a Fuzzy Biofuel Supply Chain System 1 2 1 Timothy GANESAN Pandian VASANT Pratik SANGHVI 3 4 Joshua THOMAS Igor LITVINCHEV Royal Bank of Canada Canada 1 Universiti Teknologi Petronas Malaysia 2 3 UOW Malaysia KDU Penang University College Malaysia 4 Nuevo Leon State University Mexico Corresponding Author Pandian VASANT Email pvasant@ Received 12-Nov-2019 accepted 3-Feb-2020 published 31-Mar-2020 DOI http 1. Introduction Abstract. Complex industrial systems of- ten contain various uncertainties. Hence sophis- Industrial optimization often involves systems ticated fuzzy optimization metaheuristics tech- containing various complexities and uncertain- niques have become commonplace and are cur- ties - thus requiring heavy computational e ort rently indispensable for e ective design main- when performing optimization. In such scenar- tenance and operations of such systems. Un- ios metaheuristics play a prominent role Gane- fortunately such state-of-the-art techniques suf- san et al. 25 Ganesan et al. 26 Yang 66 fer several drawbacks when applied to large- Ganesan et al. 24 Ganesan et al. 27 Hong scale problems. In line of improving the per- et al. 32 Dong et al. 21 . Decision mak- formance of metaheuristics in those this work ers are globally facing various optimization chal- proposes the fuzzy random matrix theory RMT lenges when optimizing supply chains - this is as an add-on to the cuckoo search CS tech- attributed to its large-scale and complex struc- nique for solving the fuzzy large-scale multiobjec- ture. Currently various state-of-the-art tools tive MO optimization problem biofuel supply have been developed to overcome these chal- chain. The fuzzy biofuel supply chain problem lenges where they have been used to accounts for uncertainties resulting from uctu- ations in the annual electricity generation out- Model these supply chains Seuring 55 put of .