This article focuses on the study of the psychological difficulties of 322 HIV/AIDSaffected children and evaluated differences among various groups in psychological difficulties. The study’s results provide an important basis to help psychologists propose appropriate measures to meet the need of HIV/AIDS-affected children to help them overcome the difficulties arising in learning. | HNUE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE DOI Educational Sciences 2017 Vol. 62 Iss. 12 pp. 165-175 This paper is available online at http HIV AIDS-AFFECTED CHILDREN S NEED FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING IN RESPONSE TO DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING Pham Van Tu Faculty of Social Work Hanoi National University of Education Abstract. This article focuses on the study of the psychological difficulties of 322 HIV AIDS- affected children and evaluated differences among various groups in psychological difficulties. On this basis the article analyzes the need for psychological counseling of HIV AIDS-affected children assesses the relationship between children s psychological difficulties of learning and the need for psychological counseling for learning as well as gender differences in the need for psychological counseling when facing difficulties in study expectations of HIV AIDS-affected children on the form and method of psychological counseling. The study s results provide an important basis to help psychologists propose appropriate measures to meet the need of HIV AIDS-affected children to help them overcome the difficulties arising in learning. Keywords Psychological counseling need for counseling psychological counseling for learning HIV AIDS-affected children. 1. Introduction The right to assess to education of children in general and HIV AIDS-affected children in particular has received special attention from the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Vietnamese Government so that to assist this group of children may integrate better at school. The national action plan for HIV AIDS-affected children to 2010 and by 2020 of the Ministry of Labor Invalids and Social Affairs has underlined the right to education of this group 18 . Article 10 of the Education Act 2005 states that quot Educational institutions are prohibited from performing the following actions to HIV-positive people Refusal to accept HIV-infected students taking disciplinary actions