In this article, the author presents the results of his study and application of methods of active learning of mathematics at a Senior high School in Lao People's Democratic Republic. The new method is based on: The teachers design a lesson plan to promote learners to create for themselves new knowledge that they wish to acquire. | JOURNAL OF SCIENCE OF HNUE Educational Sci. 2007 No 6 THE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS AIMED AT PROMOTING LEARNERS LEARNING ACTIVITIES IN THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS IN LAO POEPLE S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC KHAMKHONG SIBOUAKHAM Hanoi National University of Education Abstract. In this article the author presents the results of his study and application of methods of active learning of mathematics at a Senior high School in Lao People s Democratic Republic. The new method is based on The teachers design a lesson plan to promote learners to create for themselves new knowledge that they wish to acquire. 1. Forword The United Nations Stated Education Science and Culture Organization UN- ESCO put forward the education target in the 21st century that is to learn is to know how to learn to learn is to know the way of doing to learn is to create and to learn is to live together. Based on that target teaching methods in the senior high school of Lao People s Democratic Republic has been step by step renovated. We are very self-assured with the orientation stated in Article 24 Education Law 2002 by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam senior high school education methods must exploit activeness self-awareness and self-motivation in conformity with each class and each subject fostering the self-study method practice the skill of applying knowledge into practice influence the feeling and bring joy and interest in study for learners. Activeness in study has an intimate relationship with learning motivation. Right mo- tivation brings interest. Interest and self-awareness are two psychological factors that cre- ate activeness. An active independent and creative learning style develops self-awareness interest and fosters learning motivation. Activeness in learning of learners are shown with learning aspirations effort spon- taneity in terms of brainpower with high notivation during knowledge acquisition for them- selves. If we range activeness in grades of imitation reappearance .