In this article we identify some ways to address the challenges of providing an inclusive education to students with behavior problems and share lessons learned in classrooms throughout the United States. | JOURNAL OF SCIENCE OF HNUE DOI Educational Sci. 2015 Vol. 60 No. 6BC pp. 12-15 This paper is available online at http LESSONS LEARNED FROM RESEARCH AND EXPERIENCE ABOUT INCLUSIVE EDUCATION OF STUDENTS WITH BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS 1 Robert A. Gable and 2 Lauren W. Collins 1 Old Dominion University United States of America 2 Universityof Hawaii United States of America Abstract. A growing number of students with behavior problems receive at least some of their instruction in regular classroom settings. Accordingly general education teachers must be prepared to address the diverse academic and non-academic needs of students with behavior problems. In this article we identify some ways to address the challenges of providing an inclusive education to students with behavior problems and share lessons learned in classrooms throughout the United States. Keywords Behavior problems behavior challenges inclusion. 1. Introduction It is evident that there is a strong international trend toward developing education systems to become more inclusive. The transformative inclusive agenda is based on the assertion that students with disabilities are deserving of the same right to quality education within their communities of learning. Thus it can be seen to concur with the task of Education for All UNESCO 1999 p. 21 . This UNESCO statement captures well the growing commitment countries around the world are making to create inclusive societies . In the United States a series of legislative acts beginning with PL94-142 the Education of All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 and more recently the Individuals with Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA 2004 we have witnessed a growing commitment to disassembling the two-box system one classroom for students without disabilities and a separate education program for students with disabilities. Today 92 of students with disabilities in the United States spend some time in the general .