Twelve species of mango leafhoppers, Amrasca splendens Ghauri in Kerala, Amritodus atkinsoni (Lethierry) all over India, A. brevistylus Viraktamath in Karnataka and Tamilnadu, Busoniomimus manjunathi Viraktamath and Viraktamath in Kerala and Karnataka, Idioscopus clypealis (Lethierry) wide spread in India, I. anasuyae Viraktamath and Viraktamath, I. decorates Viraktamath, I. dworakowskae Viraktamath, I. jayashriae Viraktamath and Viraktamath, I. spectabilis Viraktamath all five reported from karanataka, I. nitidulus (Walker) distributed throughout India and I. nagpurensis (Walker) from Karnataka, Tamilnadu and west Bengal distributed, are redescribed with well-illustrated photographs. A key to identify leafhopper species associated with mango also provided. |