Mục tiêu nghiên cứu của bài viết: Hoàn thiện quy trình kỹ thuật xạ trị trong chọn lọc UTG bằng vi cầu Y-90, đánh giá kết quả ban đầu điều trị UTG bằng vi cầu phóng xạ Y-90 tại Bệnh viện Bạch Mai. | XẠ TRỊ TRONG CHỌN LỌC ĐIỀU TRỊ NGHIÊN CỨU KHOA HỌC UNG THƯ GAN BẰNG VI CẦU PHÓNG XẠ Y-90 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH TẠI BỆNH VIỆN BẠCH MAI Selective internal radiation therapy forliver cancer with Y-90 microsphere at Bachmai hospital Mai Trọng Khoa Trần Đình Hà Trần Hải Bình PhạmVăn Thái Lê Chính Đại Phạm Cẩm Phương Nguyễn Thanh Hùng Trần Văn Thống và CS Phạm Minh Thông Vũ Đăng Lưu Nguyễn Xuân Hiền Ngô Lê Lâm Trịnh Hà Châu và cs SUMMARY Selective Internal Radiation Therapy SIRT for liver cancer is a method to inject Y-90 labeled resin microsphere into the hepatic arteries supplying the tumor. Cancer cells will be annihilate by irradiation with ionizing radiation emitted from Y-90. Theprocedure has been standardized and applied in treatment of liver cancer patients at the Nuclear Medicine amp Oncology Center Bach Mai hospital. Aims of study - To establish and standardize the procedure of SIRT with Y-90 microsphere for liver cancer. - To assess initial results of SIRT for liver cancer at The Nuclear medicine amp Oncology Center Bach Mai hospital. Subject and method 36 patients with primary or secondary liver cancer confirmation. These patients had been treated with Y-90 microsphere and follow-up assessments after treatment 1 and 3 months. Descriptive and propective study. Establishing a standard SIRT with Y-90 microsphere for liver cancer. Results of study Procedure of SIRT with Y-90 microsphere for liver cancer has been standardized. Contents of protocol included indications and contraindications workflow Arteriographic assessment to map tumor-perfusing vessels and assess portal vein patency SPECT with Tc 99m MAA to optimize the treatment planning by dosimetric evaluation and evaluate hepatopulmonary shunting inject Y-90 microsphere into the vessels supplying the tumor SPECT or PET CT to evaluate the distribution of Y-90 microsphere Evaluate the outcomes and safety. The initial treatment results of SIRT forprimary liver cancer patients more than 80 patients responded with