For the ef®cient and successful operation of a modern communication network such as a GSM PLMN, a comprehensive Network Management (NM) is mandatory. Network management encompasses all functions and activities which control, monitor, and record usage and resource performance of a telecommunication network, with the objective of offering the subscribers telecommunication services of a certain objective level of quality. Various aspects of quality are either de®ned and prescribed in standards or laid down in operator-speci®c de®nitions. Special attention has to be paid to the gap between (mostly simple) measurable technical performance data of the network and the quality of service. | 10 GSM Switching Services and Protocols . Second Edition. Jôrg Eberspâcher Hans-Jorg Vogel and Christian Bettstetter Copyright 2001 John Wiley Sons Ltd Print ISBN 0-471-49903-X Online ISBN 0-470-84174-5 Aspects of Network Operation For the efficient and successful operation of a modem communication network such as a GSM PLMN a comprehensive Network Management NM is mandatory. Network management encompasses all functions and activities which control monitor and record usage and resource performance of a telecommunication network with the objective of offering the subscribers telecommunication services of a certain objective level of quality. Various aspects of quality are either defined and prescribed in standards or laid down in operator-specific definitions. Special attention has to he paid to the gap between mostly simple measurable technical performance data of the network and the quality of service experienced subjectively by the subscriber. Modem network management systems should therefore also include automated capabilities to accept reports and complaints from subscribers and convert them into measures to be taken by network management . trouble ticketing systems . Objectives of GSM Network Management Along with the communication network which realizes the services with its functional units MS BSS MSC HLR VLR one needs to operate a corresponding network management system for support and administration. This NM system is responsible for operation and maintenance of the functional PLMN units and the collection of operational data. The operational data comprise all the measurement data which characterize performance load reliability and usage of the network elements including times of usage by individual subscribers which are the basis for calculation of connection fees billing . Furthermore in GSM systems in particular the techniques supporting security must have counterparts in security management functions of network management. This security .