In this paper, we present a nanoscale electro-optic imaging method allowing access to the phase response, which is not amenable to classical second-harmonic generation microscopy. This approach is used to infer the vectorial orientation of single domain ferroelectric nanocrystals, based on polarization-resolved Pockels microscopy. The electro-optic phase response of KTP nanoparticles yields the full orientation in the laboratory frame of randomly dispersed single nanoparticles, together with their electric polarization dipole. | 3412 Vol. 54 No. 11 April 10 2015 Applied Optics Research Article Full determination of single ferroelectric nanocrystal orientation by Pockels electro-optic microscopy DUC THIEN TRINH 1 2 LUDOVIC MAYER 3 BASSAM HAJJ 1 4 JOSEPH LAUTRU 1 JOSEPH ZYSS 1 AND VASYL SHYNKAR1 1 Laboratoire de photonique quantique et moléculaire D Alembert Institute École Normale Supérieure de Cachan 61 Avenue du Président Wilson 94230 Cachan France 2 Faculty of Physics Hanoi National University of Education 136 Xuan Thuy Cau Giay Hanoi Vietnam 3 Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée Ecole Polytechnique-CNRS UMR 7643 91128 Palaiseau Cedex France 4 Laboratoire Physico-Chimie UMR 168 Institut Curie 75005 Paris France Corresponding author Received 23 December 2014 revised 6 March 2015 accepted 11 March 2015 posted 12 March 2015 Doc. ID 231105 published 9 April 2015 We present a nanoscale electro-optic imaging method allowing access to the phase response which is not ame- nable to classical second-harmonic generation microscopy. This approach is used to infer the vectorial orientation of single domain ferroelectric nanocrystals based on polarization-resolved Pockels microscopy. The electro-optic phase response of KTP nanoparticles yields the full orientation in the laboratory frame of randomly dispersed single nanoparticles together with their electric polarization dipole. The complete vector determination of the dipole orientation is a prerequisite to important applications including ferroelectric nanodomain orientation membrane potential imaging and rotational dynamics of single biomolecules. 2015 Optical Society of America OCIS codes Interference microscopy Electro-optical materials Nonlinear optics materials Index measurements. http 1. INTRODUCTION excitation wavelength a coherent signal for scanningless 3D The past decades have been witnessing the development of a imaging 12 22 a narrow