Nghiên cứu đề xuất giải pháp sản xuất sạch hơn; bố trí không gian lãnh thổ tại làng nghề gắn liền với bảo vệ môi trường; giải pháp giáo dục môi trường; giải pháp quản lý môi trường; giải pháp quan trắc môi trường. | TNU Journal of Science and Technology 226 07 286 - 292 WASTEWATER AUDITING AND PROPOSE THE SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE IN THE PLASTIC RECYCLE CRAFT VILLAGE AT TRIEU KHUC HA NOI Pham Thi To Oanh Vietnam Cooperative Alliance ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Received 26 4 2021 Plastic recycle craft village at Trieu Khuc Tan Trieu commune Thanh Tri province is specialize in plastic collecting recycling to make pollute Revised 31 5 2021 the environment. The craft village does not has wastewater treatment Published 31 5 2021 system. One of the typical types of pollution of craft village is water pollution. The research method are collecting date and documents KEYWORDS material balance investigation survey collecting sample and calculation rapid assessment method statistical methods and data processing. The Craft village objective of this study is focusing on determining the amount of Wastewater wastewater discharged audit the amount of wastewater at plastic Plastic recycle recycling producing facilities in the craft village to give out the appropriate solutions to reduce the amount of wastewater and minimize Audit the pollution in the craft village. The total amount of wastewater a day is Treatment 1 240m3 a month is 37 200m3 and a year is 446 400m3. Based on the calculation results in 2020 the total pollution volume of 03 producing facilities is Suspended solids is tons COD tons BOD5 200C tons NH4 tons total nitrogen is tons total phosphorus is tons and chloride is tons. Research to propose the solutions for cleaner production to arrange area of the craft village to suitable for environmental protection environmental education solutions environment management solutions environmental monitoring solution. KIỂM TOÁN NƯỚC THẢI VÀ GIẢI PHÁP GIẢM THIỂU Ô NHIỄM TẠI LÀNG NGHỀ TÁI CHẾ NHỰA TRIỀU KHÚC THÀNH PHỐ HÀ NỘI Phạm Thị Tố Oanh Liên minh Hợp tác xã Việt Nam THÔNG TIN BÀI BÁO TÓM TẮT Ngày nhận bài 26 4 2021 Làng nghề tái chế nhựa Triều Khúc xã Tân .