Các giống bưởi ở Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long được khảo sát trình tự ADN mã vạch với 3 vùng trình tự ITS, ycf1b, psbK-psbI kết hợp với phân tích đa dạng di truyền bằng dấu phân tử ISSR. | Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Nông nghiệp Việt Nam - Số 05 126 2021 Jain . A. Joshi D. Jain D. Rajpurohit and Molecular characterization and genetic diversity P. Jain 2017. ISSR Based Molecular Characterization analysis of soybean Glycine max L. Merr. of Soybean Glycine max L. Merrill Genotypes. germplasm accessions in India. Physiol. Mol. Biol. Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci. 7 46-54. Plants 21 101-107. GelAnalyzer by Istvan Mudibu J. . Nkongolo M. Mehes-Smith and Lazar Jr. PhD and Istvan Lazar Sr. PhD CSc. A. Kalonji-Mbuyi 2011. Genetic analysis of a Hipparagi Y. R. Singh . Choudhury and V. Gupta soybean genetic pool using ISSR marker e ect of 2017. Genetic diversity and population structure gamma radiation on genetic variability. International analysis of Kala Bhat Glycine max L. Merrill Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics 5 235-245. genotypes using SSR markers. Hereditas 154 9. Rohlf F. 1988. NTSYS-pc - Numerical Taxonomy and Kumawat G. G. Singh C. Gireesh M. Shivakumar Multivariate Analysis System. Applied Biostatistics M. Arya . Agarwal and . Husain 2015. Inc. New York. . Study on genetic diversity of soybean varieties lines by ISSR markers Huynh Ky Nguyen Loc Hien Van Quoc Giang Nguyen Van Manh Chung Truong Quoc Khang Tran In Do Nguyen Chau anh Tung Abstract Genetic diversity research is one of the rst steps in improving crop varieties. In this study the ISSR molecular markers were used to evaluate the genetic diversity of 120 soybean varieties lines maintained at Can o University genebank. e PCR products of 10 ISSR markers regenerated 89 bands including 79 polymorphic ones. e analysis showed that PIC index of ISSR primers was ranged from to and the similarity coe cient was - . e genetic diversity was relatively high and 120 soybean varieties lines were divided into 7 main groups and few subgroups. is is very valuable information for selection of di erent parent pairs to develop superior .